Your Mind . Your Game . Your Way

Welcome to Mental Golf Type®

Optimize Your Mind

Discover Your Mental Golf Type®

Elevate Your Golf Game in 3 Simple Steps

1. Do Your Free Mental Fitting

Discover your Mental Golf Type®

2. Download The MGT App

Search Mental Golf Type in Your App Store

3. Access Customized Training

Maximize Your Talent and Potential

Start Your Mental Fitting

Ignite Your Game With a Custom Mental Fitting

Discover Your Unique Mental Golf Type®

Understand your unique mental approach to enhance your game.

Embrace Your Strengths

Identify your innate strengths and tailor your mental strategies to amplify your performance.

Customized Strategies

Receive targeted strategies designed for your specific Mental Golf Type to excel on the course.

Banish Stress, Elevate Performance

Eliminate stress triggers to improve your swing and overall performance.

Fast-Track Your Improvement

Accelerate your progress by focusing on your Mental Golf Type, unlocking your full potential. 

Discover Your Mental Golf Type

Discover Your Unique Mental Golf Type

Uncover Your Strengths

Every golfer has a unique mental approach to the game. With 16 distinct Mental Golf Types, understanding yours is crucial for unlocking your full potential.

Why It Matters

  • Personalized Insights:

    Each Mental Golf Type has tailored strategies to enhance your performance.
  • Stress Reduction:

    Identify and eliminate stress triggers specific to your Mental Golf Type.
  • Peak Performance:

    Align your mental game with your personality for consistent results.

Start Your Mental Fitting

Determine your Mental Golf Type and start your journey to a better game. Discover the strategies that work best for you and transform your golf experience today.

Discover Your Mental Golf Type

Hi, I’m John Weir and I am on a mission to help you master stress to play your best.


Welcome to Mental Golf Type®, where we believe the key to your best golf lies in understanding and embracing your unique mental strengths.


Join us on a journey of self-discovery and mental mastery, tailored specifically for you.

Our Partners

Every golfer is different, so we provide a customized approach to mental performance training.


Join us today and start your journey to becoming the golfer you were meant to be. Your best golf starts with understanding and embracing your true self.


Welcome to the new era of golf performance.

How To Start Your Breakthrough

1. Self-Assessment

Discover your Mental Golf Type® through our comprehensive self- assessment. Uncover your unique mental strengths and understand how they influence your game.

Start Your Mental Fitting

2. Training

Engage in tailored mental training programs designed to fit your innate gifts and unique mental strengths. Learn personalized strategies to enhance your mental game.

Explore Training Programs

3. Application

Apply these strategies on the course to transform your game and achieve peak performance. Experience consistent improvement and play your best golf.

Get a Mental Game Lesson

We Help Players at All Levels

At Mental Golf Type®, we believe that mastering the mental game is essential for golfers of all levels. Whether you're a junior golfer just starting your journey, an amateur seeking to improve your weekend game, a professional striving for that competitive edge, or a coach aiming to bring out the best in your students, our approach is designed for you. Mental performance isn't just for the pros—every golfer can benefit from understanding and optimizing their mental game, especially when it's specific to you. 

Junior Golfers

Amateurs Golfers

Professional Golfers

Golf Coaches & Instructors

Learn Why The Mental Game is for All Players

MGT's Tour Tested, Proven Approach

To Succeed, Build Your Mental Game Around

The Mental Performance BIG 3

1. Stress Management Mastery

Mental stress is the silent saboteur of your golf game, leading to inconsistency and swing breakdowns. We address this performance nemesis head-on with personalized strategies tailored to your unique Mental Golf Type®.


2. Customized Shot Process

Crafting an efficient shot process is crucial for consistency and score improvement. Elevate your game with our expert guidance and a shot process designed around what YOU do best.


3. Champion Mindset

True success originates from within. Learn to cultivate your inner champion, the self-image, paving the way for unparalleled performance and goal achievement.

Learn More About MGT's Approach

Mental Golf Type® Programs

Mental Golf Type's Lv 1 Core Concepts

Welcome to the Foundational Program in Mental Golf Type®.

Discover how personality shapes performance with our Level 1 Core Concepts course. Unlock the 4 Facets of the Mind and master the keys to optimal performance tailored to your unique personality.

Course Highlights:

  • Comprehensive Learning: Six modules with diverse formats, including videos, audios, and written materials.
  • Practical Application: On-course activities, live lesson videos, and player insights to enhance your game.
  • Personalized Strategies: Tailored techniques for peak performance, stress management, and mental resilience.
  • Exclusive Resources: Self-discovery worksheets, mental fitness audio sessions, and meditation guides.

Join us to transform your mental game and achieve your full potential on the course.

Learn More About Lv1 Core Concepts

Mental Golf Type's Shot Process Formula

Master the shot process and achieve consistent, high-level performance with our Shot Process Formula training. This program is designed to help golfers refine their mental game and maintain reliable results by focusing on the intricacies of each shot.

Course Highlights:

  • Detailed Modules: Four comprehensive modules that delve into the essential elements of the shot process, from pre-shot routines to post-shot reflections.
  • Personalized Techniques: Custom instruction and exercises tailored to your personality type, optimizing your shot process for maximum effectiveness.
  • Practical Applications: Real-world strategies and on-course activities that seamlessly integrate into your practice and play.
  • Exclusive Resources: Access to mental training audios, practice guides, and performance tracking tools to help you perfect your shot process.

Transform your game by mastering the mental aspects of every shot.

Learn More About The Shot Process Formula

Mental Fitness: Optimizing the Subconscious Mind

Join the ranks of top athletes by harnessing the power of visualization, positive mental programming, and subconscious optimization. Our Mental Fitness program is designed to elevate your game by strengthening your mental resilience and confidence.

Program Highlights:

  • Visualization and Mental Rehearsal: Techniques to embed positive affirmations and strategies into your subconscious, enhancing performance.
  • Stress Management: Tools to recognize and mitigate stress triggers, ensuring peak performance under pressure.
  • Confidence Building: Sessions aimed at cultivating a strong self-image and unwavering confidence on the course.
  • Exclusive Audios: Access to a collection of mental fitness audio sessions designed to supercharge your mental game.

Unlock your potential and elevate your performance with our Mental Fitness program.

Learn More About Mental Fitness

Learning Mental Golf Type®:

A New Language for Your Mental Game

Learning a New Language for Mental Golf:

  • Foundation: Just as learning a new language begins with understanding basic vocabulary and grammar, Mental Golf Type starts with grasping the core principles and terminology of mental game strategies.
  • Fluency: Through consistent practice and immersion in video, audio, and written content, you'll gain fluency in mental golf concepts, making it easier to apply them instinctively during performance.
  • Communication: Mastering this mental language allows for clearer internal dialogue and more effective self-coaching, enhancing your ability to stay focused and resilient under pressure.
  • Tracking Progress: Similar to language learning apps that track your progress and offer feedback, Mental Golf Type's self-discovery exercises and tracking tools help you monitor your mental game development, identify strengths, and address weaknesses.
  • Practical Application: Just as speaking a new language requires real-world practice, Mental Golf Type emphasizes applying mental strategies during practice and play, ensuring seamless integration into your performance routine.

By treating Mental Golf Type as a new language, you create a structured and progressive approach to mastering your mental game, leading to improved communication, self-awareness, and performance on the golf course.

Learn About the Origins of Typology

Unleash Your Potential with a Certified Coach

Discover personalized guidance from our global network of certified coaches, experts in the Mental Golf Type® methodology. Elevate your game with tailored strategies that fit your unique personality and playing style, wherever you are.

Why Choose Us?

🎓 Expertise: 

Our coaches are extensively trained in Mental Golf Type, ensuring personalized strategies for optimal performance.

🏆 Results-Driven: 

Achieve breakthroughs in consistency, resilience, and shot process with our proven coaching approach.

🤝 Personalized Approach: 

Receive customized coaching strategies tailored to your individual needs and goals.

📈 Track Record: 

Our coaches have a proven track record of success, helping golfers like you reach new levels of performance.

Ready to Improve?

1️⃣ Browse our directory, choose a coach, and contact them directly through our platform.

2️⃣ Prepare for a transformative journey that will revolutionize your game and unlock your true potential!

🚀 Don't settle for average – invest in yourself and your game with a Mental Golf Type Certified Coach today. Your journey to peak performance starts now!

Click for the Coach Directory

Hear From Players

Austen Truslow

"It literally impacts everything I do in my game from my shot process to how I practice."

Gordan Brixi

"It's given me a blueprint on how to work on the most important aspect of competitive golf; the mind."

Giulia Sergas

"If you want more consistency in your scoring then you must work on your mental performance."

Click for Reviews and Testimonilas

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Get a Firsthand Learning Experience 

Unlock the secrets to mental golf mastery! Join our free webinar, learn about Mental Golf Type and discover personalized strategies to elevate your game. Gain insights from experts, learn how to play to your strengths, and start seeing real improvement on the course.

Click the box to reserve your spot and receive exclusive webinar updates!

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What Sets Mental Golf Type Apart?

Understanding your personality is the key to unlocking the peak performance state. To excel in golf, you must truly KNOW YOURSELF!

Below, explore some commonly asked questions about the Mental Golf Type® system.

Questions?  Success Stories?

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